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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

Mellor St Mary CE Primary School aims to provide a safe, nurturing environment in which all pupils achieve their full potential and have the skills and confidence to meet the challenges of the future. All Teaching Staff record concerns about children in various files kept in the office (behaviour/CP/racist/bullying/homophobic)


There is a Welfare meeting held each week where staff share concerns about children and families. The school has recently purchased CPOMS- (software for safeguarding and recording for staff) Training in using this is delivered in house. The school liaises with all relevant specialist agencies such as the family and medical centres, ELCAS, CAMHS, paediatricians, speech therapists, occupational therapists, school nurse etc. Although none of these are based in school, some do come into school to carry out assessments and therapy, with parental permission.


In some cases, school or one of the other agencies may complete a CAF (Common Assessment Framework) form with parents. This is an assessment and planning tool which is used to gather information about children and families in one place to help the family to decide what type of support is needed. It may be used to address an unmet educational need (as above) or an emotional or social need. More information for families about the CAF process is available here: 


Sometimes, a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting is called to continue the system of support for the family. These are usually held in school and parents will always be involved.


The school has a variety of policies which cover health and wellbeing issues eg Medicines in School Policy, Accident / Incident Report Procedures Policy etc. The school’s Single Equality Policy is available for free on the website and via the school office on request.


Some medication, such as asthma inhalers are kept in the teacher’s cupboard in the appropriate classroom. All other medication is kept in a locked cupboard next to the staff room, or in the staff-room fridge if necessary. All medicine is recorded in a medicine book along with details of dosage and frequency; parents sign to grant authorisation to the school to administer to their child. Full records are kept in accordance with the appropriate policy.


A review of medical for individual children with specific needs, Care Plans are written at a meeting between a member of the school’s staff, the child’s parents, the child (when appropriate) and the School Nurse. Mellor St Mary is a small school; all staff should know which children have Care Plans and who is trained to deal with them. Any new adults coming into school go through a short induction in accordance with the school’s Induction Policy to ensure they are made aware of any particular needs. Additionally, there is a list of children with medical needs in the front of a confidential green file that is held in the office; this gives a brief outline of their difficulty and signposts the reader to more detailed information which is held securely in the office. Care Plans are also kept in the locked medicine cupboard.


Some staff within school have had Paediatric First Aid training which is updated on a 3 yearly cycle.  Additionally, staff receive training to deal with specific difficulties, when the need arises e.g. how to deal with a diabetic child or the use of Epi-Pens. Where a child’s health care needs may impact on their ability to access an educational trip or activity, additional advice is sought from parents and/or health care professionals, as appropriate. School deals with medical issues through a graduated response. Minor issues are dealt with by trained school staff but we would always err on the side of caution if it was felt that an illness, injury or medical attack was more serious and contact the emergency services. School will always try to contact parents/carers in these instances so it is really important that the office has up to date contact details including home and mobile telephone numbers.

