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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

Art Curriculum

EYFS Foundation Stage Development Matters


Expressive Art and Design Development Matters


3-4 year olds will learn to:

Take part in simple pretend play, using an object to represent something else even thought they are not similar.

Use natural resources to represent common items the children are familiar with in the home.

Make imaginative and complex small worlds with blocks and constructions kits.

Provide lots of flexible and open ended resources for imaginative play

Explore different materials freely, in order to develop their ideas about how to use them and what to make.

Explore on different scales and surfaces large and small, natural and manmade

Develop their own ideas and then decide which materials to use to express them.

Listen, understand and support the development of their ideas

Join different materials and explore different textures.

Use crafts people and artists as role models and offer a range of ideas for children to draw on.

Create closed shapes with continuous lines and begin to use these shapes to represent objects.

Develop drawing and model making opportunities and encourage own creative ideas and talk about meaning and purpose of their creations.

Draw with increasing complexity and detail such as representing a face with a circle and including details.

Encourage to draw from imagination and observation.

Use drawing to represent ideas like movement or loud noises

Help children to add details to their drawings, select interesting objects to draw, pointing out key features.

Show different emotions in their drawings and paintings like happiness, sadness, fear etc

Talk about different colours and how to mix them to create new colours.

Explore colour and colour mixing

Look at the work of artists across times and cultures. Notice similarities and differences between their own work and that of others, focusing on colour, line, movement,  etc.

Reception children will learn to:

Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.

Develop colour missing techniques to enable them to match the colours they seen and want to represent.

Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.

Provide opportunities to work together to develop and realise creative ideas.

Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.

Use a variety of materials to construct with, discuss what they want to make and what problems they might face as well as solutions.

Help them to reflect on their original aim.

Model different joining techniques and how to use different joining resources and tools.

Notice features in the natural world.

Define colours, shapes, texture and smells in their own words as part of discussions.

Be inspired by the work of others

Visit galleries and museums to generate inspiration and conversation about art and artists.

Mixed Classes themes:

As a school we operate mixed class teaching for Art in all year groups. Our long term plans are divided into cycles:

KS1 has a 2 year cycle : KS2 (Y3/4/5) have a 3 year cycle and KS2 (Y6) has a 1 year cycle.


All units are 5 lessons long which can be supplemented with cross curricular art work as well as time for revisiting and practising substantial concepts.


Cycle A





Drawing – Marvellous marks

Linked to Big Question: Special places


Painting and mixed media

Paint my world

Linked to Big Question: weather

Craft and design

Let’s get crafty

Linked to Big Question: Seaside



Sculpture and 3D

Clay houses Y2

Linked to Big Question: Special places


Additional Unit if needed

Craft and Design

Woven wonders

Painting and mixed media Y2

Life in colour

Linked to Big Question: weather


Drawing Y2

Tell a story

Linked to Big Question: Seaside


Year 3-5

Craft and Design Y3

Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

Linked to Big Question: Water

Drawing Y5

I need space

Linked to Big Question: Spaced

Drawing Y3

Growing Artists


Painting and mixed media Y5


Linked to Big Question:  Britain

Year 6

Drawing Y6

Make my voice heard


Craft and design

Photo opportunity

Linked to Big Question: Who are we?

Painting and mixed media Y6

Artist study

Linked to Big Question: Crime and punishment

Sculpture and 3D Y6

Making memories

Linked to Big Question: Vikings


Cycle B





Drawing – Marvellous marks

Linked to Big Question:  Fit and healthy



Sculpture and 3D

Creation station

Linked to Big Question:  Great Fire of London

Craft and design

Let’s get crafty

Linked to Big Question: Plants around the world

– KS1

Drawing Y1

Make your mark

Linked to Big Question: Fit and healthy

Printing and mixed media

Colour splash Y1

Linked to Big Question: Great Fire of London

Sculpture and 3D Y1

Paper play

Linked to Big Question: Plants around the world

Year 3-5

Craft and Design Y4

Fabric of Nature

Linked to Big Question: Rainforests

Drawings Y4

Power prints

Linked to Big Question: Forces

Sculpture and 3D Y5

Interactive Installation


Craft and Design Y5


Linked to Big Question: Romans

Cycle C




Year 3-5

Painting and mixed media Y3

Prehistoric Painting

Linked to Big Question:  Rocks


Painting and mixed media Y4

Light and dark

Linked to Big Question: Diseases

Sculpture and 3D Y3

Abstract shape and space

Linked to Big Question: Greeks

