'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: The October Newsletter is now ready to view in the Newsletter section along with Octobers Online Safety Newsletter. We will be holding our OPEN WEEK from Monday 14th October to Thursday 17th October each afternoon. Please can you help us spread the word amongst your friends and families for anyone looking for an EYFS place September 2025.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

Uniform List

Mellor St Mary School Uniform


Wearing a school uniform is something we think is really important in helping to establish our identity and ethos within our local community. It shows others who we are and where we come from and our children wear our full uniform with style and pride.


Our full school uniform is compulsory for all children from Reception (EYFS) to Year 6 and follow the statutory guidance issued by the DFE to reduce the overall costs of uniforms for parents.

  • School specific cardigans, jumpers, skirts and pinafores can be purchased from Whittakers and Grays in Blackburn and Ribble Valley Uniform Suppliers in Clitheroe.
  • Non branded uniform; trousers, shorts, shirts, polo tops, summer dresses, PE kits, coats etc can be purchased from any high street clothing or supermarket store.

FOSMS run our NEW2U' uniform exchange where good quality pre worn items can be purchased for a small donation. All items are professionally pressed and laundered and can be found in the uniform stand in the main entrance area of school.

  • Jumpers and cardigans (depending on size) £3-£5                
  • Pinafore and skirt (depending on size) £3-£5
  • Trousers (depending on size) £2-£3
  • Shirts (depending on size) £1-£2
  • PE Kits (depending on size) £1-£2              

All children (Reception – Year 6) need:

  • Royal blue V neck sweatshirt or cardigan with gold trim and Mellor St Mary school logo
  • White shirt (long or short sleeves)

  • Gold tie (elastic, clip-on or real ties are available)

  • Grey trousers or blue and gold tartan skirt or pinafore dress

  • Navy, grey or white socks or tights

  • Sensible black flat shoes (Shoes are to be plain with no coloured logos)

  • In summer term only, children may wear either blue checked summer dresses or grey tailored shorts with a white polo shirt.

  • An old apron or old oversized shirt for messy craft or art activities which can be left in school.


    The School tie, logo sweat shirt, cardigan, tartan skirt and dresses can be bought from the bespoke uniform suppliers named above. All other items may be purchased at most high street retailers or supermarket stores.


    For PE all children (Reception – Year 6) need:

  • White T shirt

  • Blue or black shorts

  • White socks

  • Trainers (suitable sports trainers not fashion trainers. Logos must be kept to a minimum.)

  • Outdoor PE kit – a dark tracksuit or jogging pants and fleece/sweater top (different to school jumper). The outdoor kit is not used on a weekly basis and staff will inform pupils of when they will be needing this in school. During the colder months of the year, children who attend after school sporting clubs will need a fleece and jogging bottoms.

  • Drawstring bag to keep PE clothing in at school. There is limited space for storage and big sports bags are not necessary.

    Full PE kit should be worn for sporting events and after school clubs.

    All items may be purchased at most high street retailers or supermarket stores.


Forest School:

If your child is taking part Forest school learning activities they will need:

  • wellingtons or waterproof boots
  • waterproof coat and trousers
  • gloves, hat, scarf


Outside coats:

We respectfully ask that winter coats contain a hood and are sufficiently thick enough to stand the cold winds and weather on the playground. Children will need gloves, scarves and hats which must be clearly labelled with their full name.



All clothing and bags should be clearly labelled with your child’s full name. This is especially important, as uniform items look similar and can easily be confused for another child’s. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost items.



For swimming all children are asked to wear a swimming cap.

There should be no extremes of hairstyles or hair products.

We respectfully request that children who have long hair tie it back – particularly if the hair touches the shoulders or is longer. Only small plain blue, white or yellow hair accessories are to be worn.



On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school (especially earrings) except watches. Watches will be asked to be removed for PE, Sports and Swimming.



Children are not permitted to wear earrings for school. If children do wear earrings in school they will be asked to remove them. Parents will be notified if children are unable to take them out and asked to remove them that evening. It is strongly recommended that children who want to have their ears pierced should do so at the beginning of the summer holiday. This will enable adequate healing time before returning to school at the start of the year. Children are not able to swim with earrings, and as this is a large part of the PE curriculum, children will have to remove earrings during this period.



Children are not permitted to wear makeup in school. This includes nail varnish.


Sun Exposure:

In the summer months, we advise that children are sent to school with a sun hat/cap for playtimes and other extended periods in the outdoors. We also recommend that sun cream with a 24 hour protection is applied before school. Should sun cream need reapplying during the school day, children may bring cream to school (which must be clearly labelled with the child’s name) but must be able to apply it themselves under adult supervision. 
