'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: The September Newsletter is now ready to view in the Newsletter section along with Septembers Online Safety Newsletter. We will be holding our OPEN WEEK from Monday 14th October to Thursday 17th October each afternoon. Please can you help us spread the word amongst your friends and families for anyone looking for an EYFS place September 2025.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are welcomed and actively encouraged to go on all trips (including residential) and to attend all clubs. Where appropriate, parents will be consulted from the planning stage and all reasonable adaptations and adjustments made to ensure that children with SEND can safely access and enjoy the social and skills development that such activities bring. The adaptations will usually be the result of the risk assessment and may include additional staffing (1:1 support if necessary), extra time allowances, amendments to the activity (eg through use of different equipment) etc.


All activities within and outside school are covered by a risk assessment. These are carried out by the Premises Manager (Head Teacher) and/or the Lancashire County Council. Additional risk assessments are carried out for specific children with advice from appropriate agencies, depending on their needs. For example, for a child with a physical difficulty (PD) or Health Care need, this may include advice and/or an environmental audit from Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, School Nurse or a special teacher for children with PD. Risk assessments for school trips are also monitored by the Governing Body and Lancashire County Council.


We offer a breakfast club and access to an after school club onsite, both of these are run by private provider.

We run a wide range of clubs at lunchtime and after school ( see website for current extra- curricular provision). Most clubs are free but some incur a charge particularly those clubs provided by external groups ( Judo, dodgeball etc). The price of these varies according to the length of session, number of weeks and if there are any consumables needed. Those children in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant may receive help towards these costs.


All clubs and activities are inclusive. Specialist resources and equipment are used to adapt physical activities to meet individual needs, including involving able bodied children in adapted games. All staff who provide after school clubs and activities are briefed on individual pupil needs and there is an expectation that these adults will work either 1:1 or support the vulnerable pupils in these clubs. Parental consent is sought for each club and who is collecting or picking up the child after the club is clearly highlighted on the initial club paperwork. The range of clubs available each term is evaluated by the after school coordinator to ensure that there is a mixture of activities and clubs on offer to suit all skills and talents – not just sport. This is then reviewed again on an annual basis following feedback from parents and pupils in their questionnaires. Mellor St Mary prides itself on being an inclusive school in all aspects of teaching and learning and welcomes positive or negative comments in order to ensure that we are providing the best provision possible.

