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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

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PE Curriculum Map

In Mellor St Mary CE Primary School, we value the importance of physical education to keep all our pupils physically and mentally fit. We do this through the use of the Lancashire PE progressive and sequential scheme for physical education. As part of our PE teaching and learning, we recognise that there are a range of fundamental movement skills, which all children need to develop in order to access the wider PE curriculum. These fundamental skills (FMS) are integrated into all our PE lessons and physical exercise enrichment activities. Please see the grid below for further details.









Fundamental Movement Skills

Start to perform fundamental skills at an emerging level-






Travelling skills:

  • Running fast
  • Hopping on both feet





Sending Skills:

  • Roll a ball underarm
  • Underarm throw
  • Overarm throw
  • Bounce a ball







Receiving Skills:

  • Catch a large ball

Perform fundamental movement skills at a developing level-





Travelling skills:

  • Running fast
  • Hopping on both feet
  • Skipping
  • Side galloping



Sending Skills:

  • Roll a ball underarm
  • Underarm throw
  • Overarm throw
  • Bounce a ball





Receiving Skills:

Catch a large ball

Perform fundamental movement skills at a developing level and start to master basic movements-



Travelling skills:

  • Running fast
  • Hopping on both feet
  • Skipping
  • Side galloping
  • Dodging



Sending Skills:

  • Roll a ball underarm
  • Underarm throw
  • Overarm throw
  • Bounce a ball
  • Strike a ball off a tee
  • Strike with a drop feed


Receiving Skills:

Catch a large ball






Master fundamental skills and start to develop sport specific skills, performing them with some accuracy.

Master fundamental movement skills and start to develop sport specific skills, performing them with consistency and accuracy.

Continue to develop sport specific skills and perform with accuracy, consistency, confidence and control.

Continue to develop sport specific skills and perform with accuracy, consistency, confidence, control and speed.


  • Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed direction to avoid  obstacles
  • Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles
  • To use simple tactics to outwit an opponent
  • Pretend to throw one way, then throw the other
  • Look one way and roll the ball the other way
  • To throw away from the cones
  • To move into space to receive the ball. To pass the ball to a player in the space.
  • To throw the ball into space away from the opponent
  • To strike the ball away from cones/fielders
  • Develop sport specific skills
  • Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball,
  • To know to move into a space to receive a ball. To pass a ball to a player in space when playing invasion games
  • Develop sport specific skills
  • Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball, dribbling a ball, shooting a ball
  • To know to move into a space to receive a ball. To feint or disguise a pass of a ball to outwit a defender
  • Develop sport specific skills
  • Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball, dribbling a ball, shooting a ball, kicking a ball, (hockey) push pass dribbling, receiving a pass, shooting







Attacking skills:

  • To use a range of passes.
  • To pass ahead of supporting player. To get away from a defender to receive a pass










Defending Skills:

  • To close down space
  • Develop sport specific skills
  • Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball, dribbling a ball, shooting a ball, kicking a ball, (hockey) push pass dribbling, receiving a pass, shooting


Attacking skills:

  • To use a range of passes.
  • To pass ahead of supporting player. To get away from a defender to receive a pass. To send the ball wide and/or deep to supporting players


Defending Skills:

  • To close down space
  • To intercept a pass




  • Uses movement to express feelings
  • Creates movement in response to music
  • Initiates new combinations of movement and gestures in order to express and respond to feelings, ideas and experiences
  • Create and link simple combinations of 2 or 3 actions to create a sequence
  • Choose appropriate movements for different ideas and repeat short dance phrases
  • Copy and explore basic body actions
  • Create and link simple combinations of 3 or 4 actions to create a sequence
  • Link body actions and remember and repeat dance phrases
  • Copy and explore basic body actions
  • Vary speed, strength, energy and tension of movement


  • Create and perform sequences of actions (4-6) smoothly
  • Share and create dance phrases with a partner and in a small group; repeat, remember and perform these phrases in a dance


  • Create and perform sequences of actions (6) with control and precision
  • Use simple motifs and movement patterns to structure dance phrases on their own and with a partner


  • Create and perform longer sequences of actions (6-8) with a partner
  • Compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups
  • Create and perform longer sequences of actions (8-10) with a partner that show an awareness f their audience
  • Work creatively and imaginatively on their own and in a group to compose motifs and structure simple dances


  • Move freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hoping
  • Mount stairs, steps or climbing equipment using alternate feet
  • Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown
  • Jumps off an object and lands appropriately
  • Travels with confidence and skill around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment
  • Create and link simple combinations of 2 or 3 actions to create a sequence
  • Shape – wide, thin
  • Apparatus work



Travelling – feet:

  • Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards





Travelling – hands and feet:

  • Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey



  • Front support, balance on 4 and 3 points, large body parts – tummy, back, bottom, shoulders



  • Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll







Jumping and landing:

  • 2 to 2 for height



  • Create and link simple combinations of 3 or 4 actions to create a sequence
  • Shape – wide, thin, dish, arch, tuck
  • Apparatus work


Travelling – feet:

  • Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards






Travelling – hands and feet:

  • Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey



  • Front support, balance on 4 and 3 points, large body parts – tummy, back, bottom, shoulders












  • Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll





  • Jumping and landing



  • Create and perform sequences of actions (6) with control and precision
  • Apparatus






Travelling – feet:

  • Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards





Travelling – hands and feet:

  • Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey


  • Small body parts, one-foot  balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge, hands and feet











  • Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll



  • Straight, straddle, pike, tuck



  • Create and perform sequences of actions (6) with control and precision







Travelling – feet:

  • Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards, side gallop, walk on tiptoes


Travelling – hands and feet:

  • Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey



  • Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge front support, back support, hands and feet
  • Large body parts, V sit, dish, arch, shoulder stand



  • Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll





  • Straight, straddle, pike, tuck, ½ turn, full turn





  • Create and perform longer sequences of actions (6 - 8) with a partner








Travelling – feet:

  • Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards, side gallop, chasse





Travelling – hands and feet:

  • Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey



  • Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge front support, back support, hands and feet
  • Large body parts, V sit, dish, arch, shoulder stand








  • Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll






  • Straight, straddle, pike, tuck, ½ turn, full turn



  • Create and perform longer sequences of actions (8 - 10) with a partner that show an awareness of their audience



Travelling – feet:

  • Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards, side gallop, chasse




Travelling – hands and feet:

  • Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey


  • Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge front support, back support, hands and feet
  • Large body parts, V sit, dish, arch, shoulder stand
  • Balance with a partner and small group, counter balance, counter tension



  • Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll



  • Straight, straddle, pike, tuck, ½ turn, full turn



Outdoor and adventure




  • Orientate a map
  • Use a control card
  • Navigate a course safely
  • Travel and balance safely when carrying out challenges
  • Demonstrate team work skills during planning, doing and reviewing
  • Know how to keep the map set or orientates when they move around a simple course
  • Know the eight points of the compass
  • Record information accurately at the control marker
  • Navigate to a control marker on a score event course
  • To set a map using a compass
  • To practise and refine thumbing the set map (orientated)
  • To set a direction of travel from the map using a compass
  • To follow instructions in order to complete an orienteering course

Striking and Fielding


  • Strike a ball off a tee
  • Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
  • Understand why they need to throw or hit into a space
  • Use a feint to try and win a game
  • Strike a ball off a tee
  • Strike with a drop feed
  • Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
  • Understand why they need to throw or hit into a space
  • Understand the concept of aiming and the need for accuracy
  • Throw or hit an object into a space to make it more difficult for their opponents
  • Use a feint to try and win a game
  • Bowl underarm
  • Strike a ball off a tee
  • Catch a ball
  • Field a ball and return it quickly
  • Bowl underarm
  • Perform a straight drive
  • Catch a ball
  • Field a ball and return it quickly
  • Bowl underarm
  • Strike a ball off a tee
  • Strike a bowled ball
  • Field a ball and throw back overarm
  • Bowl overarm
  • Strike a bowled ball
  • Field a ball and throw back overarm

Net and Wall


  • Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
  • Understand why they need to throw or hit into space
  • Use a feint to try and win a game
  • Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
  • Understand why they need to throw or hit into space
  • Understand the concept of aiming and the need for accuracy
  • Throw or hit an object into a space to make it more difficult for their opposition
  • Use a feint to try and win a game






  • Ready position
  • Underarm throw
  • Overarm throw
  • Hold a racket
  • Strike ball with a racket
  • Ready position
  • Underarm throw
  • Overarm throw
  • Hold a racket

Strike ball with a racket

  • Throwing a ball
  • Hold a racket correctly
  • Forehand
  • Backhand
  • volley
  • Throwing a ball
  • Forehand
  • Backhand
  • Volley
  • Underarm serve


  • Start to perform fundamental skills at an emergency level
  • Travelling skills
  • Running fast
  • Sending skills – roll a ball underarm, underarm throw, overarm throw
  • Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles
  • Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles
  • Perform FMS at a developing level
  • Running
  • Hopping
  • Rolling a ball
  • Underarm throw
  • jumping
  • Perform FMS at a developing level and start to master some basic skills
  • Running
  • Underarm throw
  • Overarm throw
  • Push throw
  • Jumping for distance
  • Master FMS skills and start to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency and accuracy
  • Throwing – push, pull and sling
  • Hop, step and jump
  • Master FMS skills and start to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency and accuracy
  • Throwing – push, pull and sling
  • Hop, step and jump
  • Continue to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency, accuracy, confidence, control and speed
  • Throwing – push, pull,  sling and heave
  • Jumping – standing long jump and triple jump
  • Running short and long distance
  • Passing a baton in a relay
  • Continue to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency, accuracy, confidence, control and speed
  • Throwing – push, pull,  sling and heave
  • Jumping – standing long jump and triple jump
  • Running short and long distance
  • Passing a baton in a relay

Progression of Fundamental Movement Skills
