| EYFS | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 |
Fundamental Movement Skills | Start to perform fundamental skills at an emerging level- Travelling skills: - Running fast
- Hopping on both feet
Sending Skills: - Roll a ball underarm
- Underarm throw
- Overarm throw
- Bounce a ball
Receiving Skills: | Perform fundamental movement skills at a developing level- Travelling skills: - Running fast
- Hopping on both feet
- Skipping
- Side galloping
Sending Skills: - Roll a ball underarm
- Underarm throw
- Overarm throw
- Bounce a ball
Receiving Skills: Catch a large ball | Perform fundamental movement skills at a developing level and start to master basic movements- Travelling skills: - Running fast
- Hopping on both feet
- Skipping
- Side galloping
- Dodging
Sending Skills: - Roll a ball underarm
- Underarm throw
- Overarm throw
- Bounce a ball
- Strike a ball off a tee
- Strike with a drop feed
Receiving Skills: Catch a large ball | Master fundamental skills and start to develop sport specific skills, performing them with some accuracy. | Master fundamental movement skills and start to develop sport specific skills, performing them with consistency and accuracy. | Continue to develop sport specific skills and perform with accuracy, consistency, confidence and control. | Continue to develop sport specific skills and perform with accuracy, consistency, confidence, control and speed. |
Games | - Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed direction to avoid obstacles
- Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles
| - To use simple tactics to outwit an opponent
- Pretend to throw one way, then throw the other
- Look one way and roll the ball the other way
- To throw away from the cones
| - To move into space to receive the ball. To pass the ball to a player in the space.
- To throw the ball into space away from the opponent
- To strike the ball away from cones/fielders
| - Develop sport specific skills
- Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball,
- To know to move into a space to receive a ball. To pass a ball to a player in space when playing invasion games
| - Develop sport specific skills
- Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball, dribbling a ball, shooting a ball
- To know to move into a space to receive a ball. To feint or disguise a pass of a ball to outwit a defender
| - Develop sport specific skills
- Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball, dribbling a ball, shooting a ball, kicking a ball, (hockey) push pass dribbling, receiving a pass, shooting
Attacking skills: - To use a range of passes.
- To pass ahead of supporting player. To get away from a defender to receive a pass
Defending Skills: | - Develop sport specific skills
- Chest pass, bounce pass, swing pass, one-handed pass, catching a ball, dribbling a ball, shooting a ball, kicking a ball, (hockey) push pass dribbling, receiving a pass, shooting
Attacking skills: - To use a range of passes.
- To pass ahead of supporting player. To get away from a defender to receive a pass. To send the ball wide and/or deep to supporting players
Defending Skills: - To close down space
- To intercept a pass
Dance | - Uses movement to express feelings
- Creates movement in response to music
- Initiates new combinations of movement and gestures in order to express and respond to feelings, ideas and experiences
| - Create and link simple combinations of 2 or 3 actions to create a sequence
- Choose appropriate movements for different ideas and repeat short dance phrases
- Copy and explore basic body actions
| - Create and link simple combinations of 3 or 4 actions to create a sequence
- Link body actions and remember and repeat dance phrases
- Copy and explore basic body actions
- Vary speed, strength, energy and tension of movement
| - Create and perform sequences of actions (4-6) smoothly
- Share and create dance phrases with a partner and in a small group; repeat, remember and perform these phrases in a dance
| - Create and perform sequences of actions (6) with control and precision
- Use simple motifs and movement patterns to structure dance phrases on their own and with a partner
| - Create and perform longer sequences of actions (6-8) with a partner
- Compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups
| - Create and perform longer sequences of actions (8-10) with a partner that show an awareness f their audience
- Work creatively and imaginatively on their own and in a group to compose motifs and structure simple dances
Gymnastics | - Move freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hoping
- Mount stairs, steps or climbing equipment using alternate feet
- Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown
- Jumps off an object and lands appropriately
- Travels with confidence and skill around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment
| - Create and link simple combinations of 2 or 3 actions to create a sequence
- Shape – wide, thin
- Apparatus work
Travelling – feet: - Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards
Travelling – hands and feet: - Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey
Balancing: - Front support, balance on 4 and 3 points, large body parts – tummy, back, bottom, shoulders
Rolling: - Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll
Jumping and landing: | - Create and link simple combinations of 3 or 4 actions to create a sequence
- Shape – wide, thin, dish, arch, tuck
- Apparatus work
Travelling – feet: - Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards
Travelling – hands and feet: - Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey
Balancing: - Front support, balance on 4 and 3 points, large body parts – tummy, back, bottom, shoulders
Rolling: - Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll
| - Create and perform sequences of actions (6) with control and precision
- Apparatus
Travelling – feet: - Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards
Travelling – hands and feet: - Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey
Balancing: - Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge, hands and feet
Rolling: - Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll
Jumping: - Straight, straddle, pike, tuck
| - Create and perform sequences of actions (6) with control and precision
Travelling – feet: - Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards, side gallop, walk on tiptoes
Travelling – hands and feet: - Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey
Balancing: - Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge front support, back support, hands and feet
- Large body parts, V sit, dish, arch, shoulder stand
Rolling: - Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll
Jumping: - Straight, straddle, pike, tuck, ½ turn, full turn
| - Create and perform longer sequences of actions (6 - 8) with a partner
Travelling – feet: - Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards, side gallop, chasse
Travelling – hands and feet: - Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey
Balancing: - Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge front support, back support, hands and feet
- Large body parts, V sit, dish, arch, shoulder stand
Rolling: - Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll
Jumping: - Straight, straddle, pike, tuck, ½ turn, full turn
| - Create and perform longer sequences of actions (8 - 10) with a partner that show an awareness of their audience
Travelling – feet: - Jog, skip, gallop, hop, walk forwards, walk backwards, side gallop, chasse
Travelling – hands and feet: - Frog, caterpillar, bunny, crab, bear, crocodile, monkey
Balancing: - Small body parts, one-foot balance, arabesque, square bridge, bridge front support, back support, hands and feet
- Large body parts, V sit, dish, arch, shoulder stand
- Balance with a partner and small group, counter balance, counter tension
Rolling: - Rock and roll, pencil, egg roll, dish roll, teddy roll, forward roll
Jumping: - Straight, straddle, pike, tuck, ½ turn, full turn
Outdoor and adventure | | | | - Orientate a map
- Use a control card
- Navigate a course safely
| - Travel and balance safely when carrying out challenges
- Demonstrate team work skills during planning, doing and reviewing
| - Know how to keep the map set or orientates when they move around a simple course
- Know the eight points of the compass
- Record information accurately at the control marker
- Navigate to a control marker on a score event course
| - To set a map using a compass
- To practise and refine thumbing the set map (orientated)
- To set a direction of travel from the map using a compass
- To follow instructions in order to complete an orienteering course
Striking and Fielding | | - Strike a ball off a tee
- Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
- Understand why they need to throw or hit into a space
- Use a feint to try and win a game
| - Strike a ball off a tee
- Strike with a drop feed
- Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
- Understand why they need to throw or hit into a space
- Understand the concept of aiming and the need for accuracy
- Throw or hit an object into a space to make it more difficult for their opponents
- Use a feint to try and win a game
| - Bowl underarm
- Strike a ball off a tee
- Catch a ball
- Field a ball and return it quickly
| - Bowl underarm
- Perform a straight drive
- Catch a ball
- Field a ball and return it quickly
| - Bowl underarm
- Strike a ball off a tee
- Strike a bowled ball
- Field a ball and throw back overarm
| - Bowl overarm
- Strike a bowled ball
- Field a ball and throw back overarm
Net and Wall | | - Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
- Understand why they need to throw or hit into space
- Use a feint to try and win a game
| - Look for space to throw, hit or run into to help team score
- Understand why they need to throw or hit into space
- Understand the concept of aiming and the need for accuracy
- Throw or hit an object into a space to make it more difficult for their opposition
- Use a feint to try and win a game
| - Ready position
- Underarm throw
- Overarm throw
- Hold a racket
- Strike ball with a racket
| - Ready position
- Underarm throw
- Overarm throw
- Hold a racket
Strike ball with a racket | - Throwing a ball
- Hold a racket correctly
- Forehand
- Backhand
- volley
| - Throwing a ball
- Forehand
- Backhand
- Volley
- Underarm serve
Athletics | - Start to perform fundamental skills at an emergency level
- Travelling skills
- Running fast
- Sending skills – roll a ball underarm, underarm throw, overarm throw
- Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles
- Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles
| - Perform FMS at a developing level
- Running
- Hopping
- Rolling a ball
- Underarm throw
- jumping
| - Perform FMS at a developing level and start to master some basic skills
- Running
- Underarm throw
- Overarm throw
- Push throw
- Jumping for distance
| - Master FMS skills and start to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency and accuracy
- Throwing – push, pull and sling
- Hop, step and jump
| - Master FMS skills and start to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency and accuracy
- Throwing – push, pull and sling
- Hop, step and jump
| - Continue to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency, accuracy, confidence, control and speed
- Throwing – push, pull, sling and heave
- Jumping – standing long jump and triple jump
- Running – short and long distance
- Passing a baton in a relay
| - Continue to develop athletic specific skills performing them with consistency, accuracy, confidence, control and speed
- Throwing – push, pull, sling and heave
- Jumping – standing long jump and triple jump
- Running – short and long distance
- Passing a baton in a relay