'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: School is open, please take care travelling to and from school, Brundhurst Fold is very icy at the moment. The January Newsletter and Online Safety January Newsletter 2025 are now available in the Newsletter section.
Home Page

Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together


Our friends at Fischy Music  ( are broadcasting an online assembly live every Monday at 11am on You can catch up with the ones they have already done on their website.


Also Heartsmart are doing a daily broadcast along with activities, some are pencil and paper activities with instructions on screen, go to for all the information.


Activities for Holy Week

Off the Shelf R.E. Ideas

The 21st May 2020 is an important day in the Christian church year.  Find out why by having a look at this powerpoint!

Find out all about Pentecost - the birthday of the Church.
