How will the school prepare and support my child/young person to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life? |
Change can be challenging for all children, particularly children with SEN. Therefore, at Mellor St Mary we have lots of procedures to support the transition of children with SEN as they join our school, move to new classes within the school or transfer to new schools.
Joining our school: For our youngest pupils, the Foundation Stage teacher will visit the child’s nursery setting prior to starting school as well as meet with the family during an induction evening. Nursery children attend three induction sessions although there are opportunities for additional visits if the needs arises – particularly for very young or vulnerable children. On entry to school they are paired with a Buddy who looks after each pupil, supporting them during break and lunch times as well as taking part in social activities such as shared reading and play. Once the children feel comfortable and settled, they rely less on their Buddy and make new friends amongst their peers.
If a child with SEN is part-way through their school career, we will arrange for parents to meet with the SENCo/Headteacher to discuss the child’s needs. We will also liaise with the child’s previous school to discuss strategies and support that have been effective in the past. If necessary, we can arrange extra visits to support a child’s transition to us.
Moving classes: For children moving between year groups and key stages, the school holds an annual ‘Moving Up’ day in the Summer Term, whereby all the children transfer to the next year group to meet the teacher and support staff. During this day, they learn about where their coats and bags go, toilet and cloakroom areas, where to line up etc. Again some vulnerable children may need additional visits and these are planned in during the summer term for short periods during the day.
Transferring to a new school: Moving on to secondary school can be an exciting but daunting time for all children so at Mellor St Mary we ensure that the children are well prepared for the transition. We have good links with the local Secondary Schools including special schools within the area. Where necessary, additional support arrangements such as extra visits and transition projects can be put in place to support a successful transition to secondary education. For children with Special Educational Needs and for children who are likely to find the transition more challenging the SENCo will arrange an extra visit to the secondary school. If a child with SEN is moving to a new school before the end of Year 6, we ensure that all relevant paperwork is forwarded to the receiving school. |