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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

How do we involve parents of children with SEND in their child's education?

What arrangements does the school make for consulting with the parents & carers of children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities and involving them in – their child's/young people's education?

To keep parents informed we have a comprehensive website with a SEND section.


All school personnel photographs and roles are displayed in the main entrance of school. In addition to this display, all SEND personnel in school are clearly indicated in the School Prospectus whether this is electronically on the school website or a paper version in school. The SEND Governor is indicated in the Governor Handbook as well as on the school website. For professionals working outside of school the SENCO will meet with Parents in order to obtain written permission and talk through the roles and responsibilities of the specialist involvement in school e.g. Inclusion Support Service.


In terms of communication with school, Parents have the opportunity to attend a termly meeting with staff e.g. target meetings or parent conversation meetings. In addition to these, children who have an active CAF have regular meetings every 6 to 8 weeks and those with a Statement or EHC plan have an annual review. During the course of the year, if a parent or carer has a concern, no matter how big or small they are able to see the child’s class teacher from 8:30 am or directly after school. There may be a need to book an appointment with the class teacher if these times are not mutually convenient. The SENCO is available each morning or after school for drop in conversations or by phone call and appointments can also be made to see them in advance. All Special Support Staff meet with their pupil’s parents / carers on a weekly if not daily basis.


Sharing Pupil Progress is an integral part of developing young independent learners. All pupils are assessed formatively and summatively and are aware of their ‘next steps’ in learning. Sometimes this will be in the form of an ‘I can…’ statement which the pupil will choose and sometimes this comes out of their own work and peer evaluations. These ‘targets’ are then shared with parents and copies sent home. For those pupils who need additional support a SEND Support Plan is put in place. This is devised alongside the pupil and parents at a review meeting and is counter signed by all parties. A copy is then held in school and a copy sent home. Evaluated copies are also shared to denote good progress as well as areas for continuous development.


The school does not hold an official OPEN DAY, however, parents and carers who wish to view the school can do so by making an appointment with the Headteacher at a mutually convenient time.


There are many ways which parents and carers can provide feedback to school. The main being through the annual parental questionnaire, of which the collated results are then published on the school website. During the course of the year Parents are encouraged to attend parent conversation meetings and issues or concerns which they may hold are then aired and discussed in a professional manner. School also encourages positive comments

through annual report slips as well as feedback letters and notes following particular events, parental training and meetings in school.


Arrangements in place for children receiving SEN support -

• Provision mapping, through the POPs and class intervention maps, are used to effectively plan provision; this is regularly evaluated and updated

• 1:1 meetings with the Class teacher and SENCo to discuss specific needs

• SENCo is available during the week to discuss provisions with parents and class teachers

• SENCo will complete 1-1 meetings as part of an annual review

        Arrangements for reviews of educational needs or EHC (Education Health Care) plans – Annual reviews take place for those children who have EHC plans:

• All relevant parties are invited to attend and to make contributions during the review process

• Written advice is requested from all parties

• The Teacher, child and SENCo review POPs (Pupil Overview of Provision) termly and shares with parents, who are then invited to make their own comments about the progress of their child which is recorded on the POP.

• Provision mapping, through the POPs and class intervention maps, are used to effectively plan provision

