'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: World Book Day is Thursday 6th March - you can dress up if you want to. FOSMS have some costumes in the uniform shop if you would like one of these rather than buying one.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together


Our children in Key Stage 2 follow the P.S.H.E. curriculum organised into three areas of learning through the P.S.H.E. Association planning structures:

  • Relationships,
  • Health and Well-being
  • Living in the Wider World.


In addition, their P.S.H.E. lessons cover issues that are currently relevant in the lives of the children, such as friendship matters and social media concerns, on top of standard content. 


The children have timetabled lessons delivered to each separate year group in order to maintain progression in age-related content.  This is managed despite the children being taught in mixed-age classes in the rest of the curriculum, demonstrating the importance we attach to the children's development through their P.S.H.E. education.


The children have access to a range of resources, including Coram Life Education/Scarf content and personnel who come into school to support and deliver certain aspects of the statutory Relationships content alongside class teachers.  The children also enjoy learning through online resources which are always updated, including 1Decision. 

The progression of the KS2 curriculum content is shown below, within the three subject areas of Relationships, Health and Well-being and Living in the Wider World.









  • how friendships support wellbeing and the importance of seeking support if feeling lonely or excluded
  • how to recognise if others are feeling lonely and excluded and strategies to include them
  • how to build good friendships, including identifying qualities that contribute to positive friendships
  • that friendships sometimes have difficulties, and how to manage when there is a problem or an argument between friends, resolve disputes and reconcile differences
  • how to recognise if a friendship is making them unhappy, feel uncomfortable or unsafe and how to ask for support


  • how families differ from each other (including that not every family has the same family structure, e.g. single parents, same sex parents, step-parents, blended families, foster and adoptive parents)


  • how common features of positive family life often include shared experiences, e.g. celebrations, special days or holidays


  • how people within families should care for each other and the different ways that demonstrate this


  • how to ask for help or advice if family relationships are making them feel unhappy, worried or unsafe
  • how people’s behaviour affects themselves and others, including online
  • how to model being polite and courteous in different situations and recognise the respectful behaviour they should receive in return
  • about the relationship between rights and responsibilities
  • about the right to privacy and how to recognise when a confidence or secret should be kept (such as a nice birthday surprise everyone will find out about) or not agreed to and when to tell (e.g. if someone is being upset or hurt)
  • the rights that children have and why it is important to protect these
  • that everyone should feel included, respected and not discriminated against; how to respond if they witness or experience exclusion, disrespect or discrimination
  • how to respond to aggressive or inappropriate behaviour (including online and unwanted physical contact) – how to report concerns
  • about the different types of relationships people have in their lives
  • how friends and family communicate together; how the internet and social media can be used positively
  • how knowing someone online differs from knowing someone face-to-face
  • how to recognise risk in relation to friendships and keeping safe
  • about the types of content (including images) that is safe to share online; ways of seeking and giving consent before images or personal information is shared with friends or family
  • how to respond if a friendship is making them feel worried, unsafe or uncomfortable
  • how to ask for help or advice and respond to pressure, inappropriate contact or concerns about personal safety
  • that people have different kinds of relationships in their lives, including romantic or intimate relationships
  • that people who are attracted to and love each other can be of any gender, ethnicity or faith; the way couples care for one another
  • that adults can choose to be part of a committed relationship or not, including marriage or civil partnership
  • that marriage should be wanted equally by both people and that forcing someone to marry against their will is a crime
  • how puberty relates to growing from childhood to adulthood
  • about the reproductive organs and process – how babies are conceived and born and how they need to be cared for
  • that there are ways to prevent a baby being made
  • how growing up and becoming more independent comes with increased opportunities and respon -  sibilities
  • how friendships may change as they grow and how to manage this
  • how to manage change, including moving to secondary school; how to ask for support or where to seek further information and advice regarding growing and changing

Health and Well-being





  • how to recognise hazards that may cause harm or injury and what they should do to reduce risk and keep themselves (or others) safe
  • how to help keep their body protected and safe, e.g. wearing a seatbelt, protective clothing and stabilizers
  • that their body belongs to them and should not be hurt or touched without their permission; what to do and who to tell if they feel uncomfortable
  • how to recognise and respond to pressure to do something that makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable (including online)
  • how everyday health and hygiene rules and routines help people stay safe and healthy (including how to manage the use of medicines, such as for allergies and asthma, and other household products, responsibly)
  • how to react and respond if there is an accident and how to deal with minor injuries e.g. scratches, grazes, burns
  • what to do in an emergency, including calling for help and speaking to the emergency services


  • how to eat a healthy diet and the benefits of nutritionally rich foods


  • how to maintain good oral hygiene (including regularly brushing and flossing) and the importance of regular visits to the dentist


  • how not eating a balanced diet can affect health, including the impact of too much sugar/acidic drinks on dental health


  • how people make choices about what to eat and drink, including who and what influences these


  • how, when and where to ask for advice and help about healthy eating and dental care


  • how regular physical activity benefits bodies and feelings


  • how to be active on a daily and weekly basis – how to balance time online with other activities


  • how to make choices about physical activity, including who and what influences decisions


  • how the lack of physical activity can affect health and wellbeing


  • how lack of sleep can affect the body and mood and simple routines that support good quality sleep


  • how to seek support in relation to physical activity, sleep and rest and who to talk to if they are worried
  • how to recognise personal qualities and individuality
  • to develop self-worth by identifying positive things about themselves and their achievements
  • how their personal attributes, strengths, skills and interests contribute to their self-esteem
  • how to set goals for themselves
  • how to manage when there are set-backs, learn from mistakes and reframe unhelpful thinking


  • how everyday events can affect feelings


  • how feelings change over time and can be experienced at different levels of intensity


  • the importance of expressing feelings and how they can be expressed in different ways


  • how to respond proportionate-ly to, and manage, feelings in different circumstances


  • ways of managing feelings at times of loss, grief and change


  • how to access advice and support to help manage their own or others’ feelings


  • about puberty and how bodies change during puberty, including menstruation and menstrual wellbeing, erections and wet dreams


  • how puberty can affect emotions and feelings


  • how personal hygiene routines change during puberty


  • how to ask for advice and support about growing and changing and puberty


  • how to recognise, predict, assess and manage risk in different situations


  • how to keep safe in the local environment and less familiar locations (e.g. near rail, water, roads; fire/firework safety; sun safety and the use of digital devices when out and about)


  • how people can be influenced by their peers’ behaviour and by a desire for peer approval; how to manage this influence


  • how people’s online actions can impact on other people


  • how to keep safe online, including managing requests for personal information and recognising what is appropriate to share or not share online


  • how to report concerns, including about inappropriate online content and contact


  • that rules, restrictions and laws exist to help people keep safe and how to respond if they become aware of a situation that is anti-social or against the law
  • how to recognise and respect similarities and differences between people and what they have in common with others
  • that there are a range of factors that contribute to a person’s identity (e.g. ethnicity, family, faith, culture, gender, hobbies, likes/dislikes)
  • how individuality and personal qualities make up someone’s identity (including that gender identity is part of personal identity and for some people does not correspond with their biological sex)
  • about stereotypes and how they are not always accurate, and can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others
  • how to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about others


  • how to carry out basis first aid including for burns, scalds, cuts, bleeds, choking, asthma attacks or allergic reactions


  • that if someone has experienced a head injury, they should not be moved


  • when it is appropriate to use first aid and the importance of seeking adult help


  • the importance of remaining calm in an emergency and providing clear information about what has happened to an adult or the emergency services


  • how drugs common to everyday life (including smoking/vapi-ng – nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and medicines) can affect health and wellbeing


  • that some drugs are legal ( but may have laws or restrictions related to them) and other drugs are illegal


  • how laws exist surrounding the use of drugs to protect them and others


  • why people choose to use or not use different drugs


  • how people can prevent or reduce the risks associated with them


  • that for some people, drug use can become a habit which is difficult to break


  • how organisations help people to stop smoking and the support available to help people if they have concerns about any drug use


  • how to ask for help from a trusted adult if they have any worries or concerns about drugs


  • how their bodies will change during puberty


  • how their emotions may change


  • about human reproduction and how this occurs
  • how mental and physical health are linked
  • how positive friendship and being involved in activities such as clubs and communi-ty groups support wellbeing


  • how to make choices that support a healthy, balanced lifestyle including:


  • how to plan a healthy meal
  • how to stay physically active
  • how to maintain good dental health, including oral hygiene, food and drink choices
  • how to benefit from and stay safe in the sun
  • how and why to balance time spent online with other activities
  • how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle; the effects of poor sleep; strategies that support good quality sleep
  • how to manage the influence of friends and family on health choices


  • that habits can be healthy or unheal-thy; strategies to help change or break an unhealthy habit or take up a new healthy one
  • how legal and illegal drugs can affect health and how to manage situations involving them
  • how to recognise early signs of physical or mental ill-health and what to do about this, including whom to speak to in and outside school
  • that health problems, including mental health problems, can build up if they are not recognised, managed, or if help is not sought early on
  • that anyone can experien-ce mental ill-health and to discuss concerns with a trusted adult
  • that mental health difficulties can usually be resolved or managed with the right strategies and support


  • that FGM is illegal and goes against human rights; that they should tell someone immediately if they are worried for themselves or someone else.

Living in the Wider World





  • how they belong to different groups and communities, e.g. friendship, faith, clubs, classes/year groups
  • what is meant by a diverse community; how different groups make up the wider/local community around the school
  • how the community helps everyone to feel included and values the different contributions that people make
  • how to be respectful towards people who may live differently to them
  • how people have a shared responsibility to help protect the world around them
  • how everyday choices can affect the environment
  • how what people choose to buy or spend their money on can affect others or the environment (e.g. Fairtrade, single use plastics, giving to charity)
  • develop the skills and vocabulary to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions in discussion  about topical issues
  • how to show care and concern for others (people and animals); how to carry out personal responsibilities in a caring and compassionate way
  • how people make decisions about spending and saving money and what influences them
  • how to keep track of money so people know how much money they have to spend or save
  • how people make choices about ways of paying for things they want and need (e.g. from current accounts/savings; store cards/credit cards; loans)
  • how to recognise what makes something “value for money” and what this means to them
  • that there are risks associated with money (it can be won, lost or stolen) and how money can affect people’s feelings and emotions


  • that there is a broad range of different jobs and people often have more than one during their careers and over their lifetime


  • that some jobs are paid more than others and some may be voluntary (unpaid)


  • about the skills, attributes, qualifications and training needed for different jobs


  • that there are different ways into jobs and careers, including college, apprenticeshi-ps and university


  • how people choose a career/job and what influences their decision, including skills interests and pay


  • how to question and challenge stereotypes about the types of jobs people can do


  • how they might choose a career/job for themselves when they are older, why they would choose it and what might influence their decisions
  • how the media, including online experiences, can affect people’s wellbeing – their thoughts, feelings and actions
  • that not everything should be shared online or on social media and that there are rules about this, including the distributions of images
  • that mixed messages in the media exist (including about health, the news and different groups of people) and that these can influence opinions and decisions
  • how text and images can be manipulated or invented; strategies to recognise this
  • to evaluate how reliable different types of online content and media are, e.g. videos, blogs, news, reviews, advertisements
  • to recognise unsafe or suspicious content online and what to do about it
  • how information is ranked, selected, targeted to meet the interest of individuals and groups, and can be used to influence them
  • how to make decisions about the content they view online or in the media and know if it is appropriate for their age range
  • how to respond to and if necessary, report information viewed online which is upsetting, frightening or untrue
  • to recognise the risks involved in gambling-related activities, what might influence somebody to gamble and the impact it might have
  • to discuss and debate what influences people’s decisions, taking into consideration different viewpoints