On behalf of the Pupils, Staff and Governors welcome to Mellor St Mary CE Primary School and our new school brochure created by our junior pupils. We hope you find everything you need to know about our wonderful school and so much more.
We are a small one form entry, voluntary aided, Church of England primary school situated on the western edge of the Ribble Valley. We have good links with our local Church and Mellor community.
As Headteacher, it is my great privilege to lead Mellor St Mary CE Primary School and be part of this small, caring and supportive Christian family.
Our aim is to provide all children with an education of the highest quality within a caring and loving environment. Our school is one full of faith, trust and love. Everyone within it is passionately motivated to make every aspect of learning the very best it can.
We pride ourselves on providing rich and varied opportunities for children to help them to discover about the world and themselves by unlocking their hidden skills and talents in a fun and nurturing way. Our curriculum is designed to actively engage, excite and enthuse all children and develop the unique potential of each child, whatever their gifts, abilities or needs.
As a school we firmly believe that we can only achieve the best for our children by close co-operation between home and school. This brochure has been specifically designed by the children to inform you about our school and teaching and learning from their own perspective. Through collaboration, staff, pupils, families and friends can ensure:
Every child has the ability to do amazing things.
Every child has the right to the best opportunities in life.
Every child can reach their true potential.
For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37)
If you would like to know more about us, why not arrange a visit through the school office Tel: 01254 812581 email bursar@mellor.lancs.sch.uk and visit our school website www.mellor.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs J Embley-Peers