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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

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Appeal information


There are two kinds of appeals:

  • Entry into Reception 
  • In Year appeals for a place in Years 1-6.


We always advise that you speak to the school office or Headteacher first before submitting an appeal for a place, this is to ensure you have all the necessary information prior to deciding on whether to make an appeal or not. 


All Key Stage One classes are bound by class size prejudice, which means that legally schools cannot take more than 30 children into an infant class unless there are exceptional circumstances. e.g. Children Looked After or Looked After Child.

Key Stage Two classes are not bound by class size prejudice, although we as a school, will make a case against an increase in class sizes in order to ensure high quality education can be provided to all. 


A new E-form has been created for all Primary and Secondary School Admission Appeals.

 The link on available on the LCC website.



How it works

You are entitled to make an appeal for any year group but are only allowed to make one appeal per year. All appeal hearings are organised through Lancashire's Appeal Service and must take place before 31st August each academic year. 

The timetable for organising appeals is created by Lancashire County Council.


Once an appellant has completed their e-form on-line it will automatically generate through to the schools e-mail address, this applies for VA, Foundation and Academy Schools.  The appellant will also get a copy of their completed application form with an automated ID number for their appeal. 

  • For VA, Foundation and Academy schools – the school will be required to fill in the school's case and return the Schools case and parental Appeal form directly to the appeals team. 

There will not be a need for the appellant to fill in a separate consent form as this information will be captured in the E-Form.


If you have not been awarded a place in EYFS and you wish to make an appeal for entry into Reception Class in September, please contact Lancashire County Council directly using the Appeal E-FORM:LCC Appeal E-FORM

Local Authority Appeals Team Tel: 01772 536776  emails:


If you wish to make an In Year Appeal for Year Groups 1-6, please contact school directly and complete the initial application form below. If there are no places available you MUST complete the E-FORM using the LCC link and submit this to the Local Authority Appeals Team:

 Tel: 01772 536776  emails:


School uses the Local Authority Appeals Team to organise appeal hearings and paperwork. They will contact you directly with the time and date of your appeal hearing. Please note that due to the high volume of calls and emails submitted to the Local Authority Appeals Team, they need to prioritise all enquiries and will try and respond to your requests within 5 working days wherever possible.


The current proposals for Admission Appeals to be heard in line with the DFE Guidance has been agreed and further advise can be found on LCC web pages – please follow link:-


In the event of future COVD-19 restrictions, Appeal hearings may be held virtually, so please make sure you include your most up to date email address and telephone number on the paperwork submitted. 


Notice for all Appellants – Submission of Admission Appeal Forms

If you are unable to fill in an Admissions Appeal form yourself due to a Disability or any Language Barrier you feel may compromise your submission then help is available from our Customer Service Centre who will be able to assist you in filling out the relevant form.

The Contact number for the Customer Service Centre is 0300 123 6707

 Please note that the Contact Centre staff are unable to advise you of your submission and are only able to fill the form out on your behalf.
