'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: The July Newsletter is now ready to view in the Newsletter section. If you are interested in a place in EYFS for September 2024, please call the school office on 01254 812581 as we only have two places left. Please can I remind parents that holiday leave in term time is not authorised. The approved holiday list for 2024-25 is now available to view in the parent - term dates section of the website.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

PE in KS1


(Year 1 Baseline) In Year 1 we carry out a baseline of 10 Fundamental Movement Skills as the children enter Year 1. From this baseline the teacher can design or adapt their PE curriculum and focus on the FMS the children are less proficient in.


KS1 Pupils will be taught P.E. by:

  • a baseline assessment of the 10 Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) on entry to Y1
  • teachers adapting the PE curriculum to match the needs of the Y1 pupils from the assessment
  • focus given to FMS the children are less proficient in
  • children practicing the FMS through a breadth of activities as continual development
  • the children being taught through practice how to apply the FMS taught in context through simple tasks in game type activities and by creating sequences of movement in gymnastics and dance type activities, all developed through the Core Tasks
  • the children at the end of KS1 being assessed on the ten FMS again and the information shared with the Year 3 teacher


During KS1 children continue to develop Fundamental Movement Skills, especially their weaker ones, and learn how to apply these skills in a context. The children also develop their knowledge when using simple tactics in game type activities and create sequences of movement in gymnastic and dance type activities. This is delivered through the CORE TASKS.


By the end of KS1 the children's 10 Fundamental Movement Skills are tested again. This shows the impact on their performance of the FMS and which skills they have mastered. This information is then shared with the Year 3 teacher.

