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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

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How does school evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for SEND?

How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with special educational needs? 

All SEND children have either: an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and/or a Pupil Overview of Provision (POP). All of these are reviewed regularly, as laid out above.


The SENCo reports annually on the efficient and effective use of resources for pupils identified as having SEND. The monitoring and evaluation of progress of pupils with SEND is detailed in the Graduated Approach section of the Policy for SEND. For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan, annual reviews (6 monthly for under 5s) are carried out in accordance with the appropriate legislation and the SEND Code of Practice 2015.


The SENCo collects and analyses tracking data for all pupils on the SEND register and uses this, in conjunction with information gathered from other sources (SEND learning walks, professional dialogue, discussions with pupils and parents etc) to make a judgement on effectiveness. Children with SEND are expected to make at least the same progress as their peers because of the additional provision they receive. If this is the case, provision is judged to be effective. The SENCo meets with the SEND Governor once per term and they jointly produce a report on the quality and effectiveness of SEND provision. As part of the School Development Plan, the SENCo produces an annual action plan and updates progress against this on a termly basis.


Any additional provision for all children (whether or not they have SEND) is carefully recorded (‘mapped’) by the Senior Leadership Team and/or SENCo. The cost of all such provision will be calculated in the future, based  on the pro-rata cost of the allocated time for the member of staff delivering the provision (for internally sourced provision) or on actual billed costs (for external providers or specialist resources purchased). Concurrently, the progress of all children who are receiving additional provision is carefully tracked. This information is then scrutinised by the Senior Leadership Team and/or SENCo to ensure that the effectiveness and efficiency of provision is maximised.


