'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: The July Newsletter is now ready to view in the Newsletter section. If you are interested in a place in EYFS for September 2024, please call the school office on 01254 812581 as we only have two places left. Please can I remind parents that holiday leave in term time is not authorised. The approved holiday list for 2024-25 is now available to view in the parent - term dates section of the website.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

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Pupil Overview Support in School

A POP is short for Pupil Overview of Provision. It is an individual education or learning plan which identifies the best way to support a child who is struggling with their learning or behaviour.
The POP contains a range of information including: 
  • Your child’s information about their strengths and challenges,
  • The professionals involved in your child’s care,
  • The support in place for your child:
  • In the classroom
  • In groups including interventions they take part in
  • On an individual basis
  • A review of the support in place for each term of the year by the adults in class, yourselves and your child
  • Your child’s attendance will also be recorded on the document as well as their attainment through the year
  • How much it costs to provide support in terms of resources, interventions or personnel to help your child make progress over the course of a term or year.
The POP is a working document which means it is constantly changing throughout the year. It is reviewed and evaluated termly with the child and parent and their views are added to the POP as part of the Plan, Do and Review process.
Please refer to the powerpoint presentation above for full details or contact Mrs Embley-Peers (SENCO) for further information. 