What does your child learn at school each day?
Find information about our curriculum subjects here. If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly. Our curriculum is an inclusive one so that children with SEND and disabilities have access to learning experiences across the curriculum. For further information on SEND and disabilities in school, please visit the SEND page using the link below.
Mellor St Mary Curriculum Intent:
Our Curriculum has been designed to ensure every child can ' live life in all its fullness' by building progressive core knowledge and key curriculum concepts using a range of learning skills and subject skills. It offers stimulating and learning experiences with Christian values at its heart.
Our curriculum should lead to pupils being able to recall and describe the knowledge and concepts in familiar, unfamiliar, local and global contexts. It is designed to enable pupils to make connections between their developing knowledge and concepts, their prior learning, and their lived experiences. Pupils are empowered to use their literacy, oracy, and digital communication skills to purposefully share and articulate their learning with others. It is bespoke to the needs of the pupils at Mellor St Mary by modelling the virtues given to us by Christ and by developing individual and collaborative learning experiences, a positive growth mind set, a sense of responsibility and challenges that take them beyond the classroom.
We are a small and semi-rural school with a constantly evolving curriculum which responds to the needs of learners and their interests by enhancing learning experiences and raising awareness from the local area to national and global arenas. Thus, we will develop outward looking pupils who are able to engage in learning about themselves and have an understanding of the wider world and its complex cultures.
Ultimately our curriculum is intended to:
Using our core Christian curriculum drivers we will support and enhance teaching and learning across all subjects, whilst encouraging children to think about what and who they want to be and how they can use their knowledge, skills and talents to have a positive impact on follow pupils, their families, cultures, local community, society and the wider world.
Mellor St Mary Curriculum Implementation:
Class teachers are responsible for planning the curriculum for their class. They make decisions about what resources and materials they use, and how they differentiate them appropriately. They do this using their professional knowledge and expertise, sharing best practice and providing support for each other, focussed on outcomes for individual pupils.
Subject leaders and senior leaders are responsible for designing the progression in core knowledge, skills and concepts into yearly plans. They ensure that all teachers are familiar with curriculum expectations through training, monitoring and coaching, with a focus on ensuring that outcomes can be achieved by all pupils.
Mellor St Mary Curriculum Impact:
Class teachers routinely evaluate the progress of pupils within and across lessons using the curriculum frameworks to make judgements. They use this information to analyse how effectively pupils are achieving or exceeding expectations and to adapt their planning accordingly. Teachers provide Subject Leaders with timely summative information about the outcomes of pupils in their class.
Subject Leaders and Senior Leaders routinely evaluate the summative outcomes for their area of responsibility. They use this analysis to identify any necessary actions that develop the quality of provision in their subject, to moderate assessments, and to benchmark outcomes against expectations beyond their school.
Our children have a confident set of skills, knowledge, norms and Christian values which are used to get ahead in education and life more generally. In short they will learn more, remember more, enjoy more and develop more spiritually, socially and emotionally. Thus enabling them to be ready for their next stage in education.