'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: School is open, please take care travelling to and from school, Brundhurst Fold is very icy at the moment. The January Newsletter and Online Safety January Newsletter 2025 are now available in the Newsletter section.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Guide





Remote learning expected to take place

LEVEL 1 (Green)

Remote Learning Level 1 – Usual homework

This level is when all children are in school and they will access their usual homework online. This will be set by each teacher and follow the normal school homework pattern for each class.

  • Daily reading at home (home reading book) to an adult
  • Spellings / Phonics
  • TT Rockstars/ Mathletics
  • Themed homework learning log
  • Optional additional catch up – SATS Companion Year 6

LEVEL 2 (yellow)

Remote Learning Level 2- Isolation due to waiting for a Covid test result/family tested positive but your child is feeling well

This level will apply to children that have been asked to isolate due to waiting for a test result, a member of their household is positive and/or they have been contacted on track and trace.

  • Teacher will set remote learning activities on Google Classroom.
  • Usual homework activities : Oxford Owl e reading books to be used.
  • Visit the bitesize link for home learning for your year group


LEVEL 3 (orange)

Remote Learning level 3 – Isolation for 10 days (if you are well enough)

This level is for children that have to stay off school for 10 days due to a family member testing positive or for other isolation reasons.

  • Teacher will set remote learning activities on Google Classroom.
  • Usual homework activities : Oxford Owl e reading books to be used.
  • All work should be completed and children will need to complete a full day of schoolwork like they would in school. (3-4 hours)


LEVEL 4 (Red)

Remote Learning Level 4-

Isolation of the whole bubble from school or a tier 4 lockdown

All children and the teacher/teaching assistants in that bubble have been sent home to isolate for 10 days or the teachers will be delivering remote learning with key worker and vulnerable children in school.

  • Teacher will set remote learning activities on Google Classroom.
  • Oxford Owl e reading books to be used.
  • Direct teaching sessions will be timetabled 3 x during the school day.
  • You will log on to Google Classroom each morning between 8.30am -9.00am to register with your class teacher who will share the daily timetable for learning.
  • A full online sequenced learning programme directed by the class teacher with a mixture of tasks and video teaching with feedback sessions.
  • Staggered daily communication and direction from the class teacher using Google Meet. This will be an opportunity for the children to ask questions, share some ideas and see their friends. The teacher will provide some live teaching / feedback here. A full day of schooling will need to be completed.
  • Maths pupil books can be collected from school for Y1-6.
  • Weekly games and paper packs will be available for EYFS to support remote learning.
  • Paper copies of work can be collected from the office (y1-6) for those who need it.
  • School devices and wifi are also available for those children that require them providing you sign the loan agreement.
  • Our feedback and marking policy will be adapted during remote learning. Staff will provide verbal feedback to individual as small groups. They will also respond using brief notes, so please read the comments from staff and respond if needed.

Please use Google Classroom to check for remote learning projects, tasks and learning activities for your child to complete at home. 

Running alongside the activities set are the normal remote learning platforms such as Timetable Rock Stars, Mathletics and SATS Companion 

If you need to contact your child's class teacher whilst school is closed, please do so through their school email address - teachers initials These can be found on each class page.


Please ensure that you have helped your child register and set up their login details  - using their own gmail address and not a parental one. In order to do this you MUST use GOOGLE CHROME as the web brower. 


Google Classroom can be accessed through laptop and desktop computers, most tablets and Ipads as long as they have updated ISO. It can also be accessed through XBox and Playstation consoles.

There are a number of Youtube videos which are helpful in explaining how you can use game consoles in this manner. 



Home Learning Resources for Children and Young People who are New to English:

 To access bilingual ebooks, apps, videos and activities.  

The link for this page is:


Check out other class videos in the Video Resource centre link below 

A message from us to you

Still image for this video

A message from you

Still image for this video