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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

What training have staff who support children with SEND have and what specialist services are available and accessed by school?

What training have the staff supporting children/young people with SEND had or may they have?

What specialist services or expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

We recognise that to effectively support, we need to have the skills and knowledge to understand the needs and issues that individual children face. Therefore, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is offered to all staff. A record of CPD is kept in the office and the need for training is reviewed by the senior leadership team each year through the Performance Management systems for teacher and teaching assistants. Specific training will be made available to staff to support the needs of a particular child(ren) if the expertise is not already in school.


All of our teaching assistants have had training for the interventions that they deliver and work closely with the class teacher and SENCo to monitor impact.


All staff are given regular SEND updates and support from the SENCo alongside the specialist teacher within cognition and learning.


The SENCo attends regular cluster meetings and also relevant training events which is then cascaded down to other staff.


Designated staff have undertaken relevant First Aid Training, including Emergency Aid, First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid. A number of relevant staff have had Epipen training through the School Nurse or other NHS professionals. Staff are trained on any medical care that is needed in order to treat a child in school.


If children fail to make progress, despite targeted, reactive intervention over a period of time, outside agencies may be requested, with the parents’ consent. This may include: services from our own specialist teacher, the Local Authority, Speech & Language Therapy Services, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, an Educational Psychologist or health services such as a paediatrician.


These outside agencies will be contacted by the SENCo, GP or the Parents and will work with the child in and out of school on individual programmes. These professionals will also be invited into annual reviews to meet with the parents or carers. Some children will require specialist, termly visits from outside agencies and these will be arranged within school time.


Occasionally, even with the support of external agencies, we may identify that we are unable to fully meet the needs of a pupil through our own provision arrangements and our best endeavours. In these circumstances, an assessment of the unmet needs would be carried out through the CAF process which would involve parents, pupils and all agencies involved in the pupil’s care. More information on this can be found on the Lancashire County Council website:

