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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together


  Mathematic Curriculum Statement 


Our Mathematical Curriculum has been designed to ensure each, and every, child can ‘understand and achieve in maths' by offering: a progressive spiral curriculum which includes challenging, practical, relevant mathematical reasoning and problem-solving learning, where basic concepts and skills are at the heart.   It is bespoke to the needs of the pupils at Mellor St Mary, through a mastery approach by focussing on mathematical language, subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, to ensure every child can succeed in maths. 


We are committed to ensuring our children will experience individual and collaborative learning experiences, a positive growth mind set, a sense of responsibility and challenges that take them beyond the classroom in-line with our whole school vision that ‘with God nothing is impossible’. 


As a small mixed-age school, we respond to the needs of our learners and their interests by ensuring we focus on children’s personal improvement and development through the acquisition of new skills and mastering new situations, learning experiences and raising awareness from the local area to national and global arenas. Thus, we will develop outward looking pupils who are able to engage in mathematical learning and have an understanding of its place in the wider world.  

Ultimately our maths curriculum is intended to: 

  • Develop our head and body : What we learn 
  • Develop our hearts and character: How we learn
  • Develop our actions and attitudes: How we show resilience and a willingness to learn from mistakes
  • Develop our moral compass: Know where maths fits into the world


Through quality teaching of mathematical knowledge, skills and vocabulary within the core subject itself and its application across the curriculum, we aim to ensure all children:

  • Explore ideas and different methodologies
  • Develop fluency in the recall of facts and the performing of skills
  • Use representations to aid their mathematical understanding
  • Develop and use a variety of strategies for investigation and problem solving
  • Show courage to ‘have a go’, developing resilience as they do so
  • Evaluate their own and other’s work using the language of maths
  • Appreciate the power of mathematics in society and its ability to make life better


All children will be challenged to be inquisitive, compassionate, courageous and creative learners, having opportunities to influence their own learning through all aspects of maths. At the end of each key stage, our children will know, apply and understand the skills, knowledge and processes specified in the National Curriculum for mathematics.


Our children will have a confident and valid set of mathematical skills and knowledge supported by Christian values which can be used to not only further their education but help them in their life’s journey. They will have learnt more, remembered more, enjoyed and developed creatively, spiritually, socially and emotionally, enabling them to be ready for the next stage of their education.





Calculation Policy


Find below our calculation policies:

Useful Websites For Mathematics Activities

The following activity is useful for Key Stage 2 pupils to develop their knowledge of triangles:

The next link leads to a dartboard game at the BBC website to help pupils to practise their addition and doubling skills by playing a fun game:

Doubling and Addition Game

Try the activity below to practise your skills with using money.

Money Activities

