'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: School is open, please take care travelling to and from school, Brundhurst Fold is very icy at the moment. The January Newsletter and Online Safety January Newsletter 2025 are now available in the Newsletter section.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together



As a caring Christian school we offer lots of support to all our children and their families as part of our Early Help Offer. If you need any help or advise with anything then please contact:

Mrs Embley-Peers (Attendance, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and SENCO in school.

As a school we are here to help all our families with universal support at Level 1 and Level 2 on the continuum above.

Our early Help Offer consists of many different things including:

  • attendance, getting children into school on time and ready for learning. 
  • emotional wellbeing support through trained ELSA support staff.
  • mental health first aid practitioners within school for both children and adults.
  • medical support e.g. sleeping and toileting through referrals to the School Nurse Team.
  • signposting to other services through Children, Family and Wellbeing, charities and local support services .

If at any point we are unable to support or help you, we then will signpost you to other areas of help and support which includes working with our local Children, Family and Wellbeing professionals. As part of Level 3 work, families can work with a range of support services which run programmes that are both generic and bespoke to individual family needs. 

If in doubt with anything, please just get in touch and we are here to help you in anyway we can.

Call in or Tel: 01254 812581 or

Safety Around School

The journey to school should be a safe, pleasant and healthy activity, with opportunities for pupils to develop good road sense. The school has met with the Road Safety Travel Advisor from Lancashire County Council to ensure our children stay safe on the way to and from school and find ways to encourage more pupils and staff to walk, cycle or use public transport for the journey to and from school. 
Some children will want to walk to and from school on their own and we only encourage this from Year 5 onwards. School will not support infant children walking by themselves and expect a responsible adult to accompany them at all times. If you wish your Year 5/6 child to walk home by themselves then please inform the school office. If they need to bring a mobile phone to school with them for this purpose, it must be left in the school office and collected again at home time. 


Car Parking

Parents are asked to park considerately around school and not down Brundhurst Fold. Please do not park across driveways and respect our neighbours’ rights to access their property at any time of the day. Please also observe the highway code regarding the yellow zigzags outside the school.

We are also part of LCC's  clean air campaign so if you are sat in your car waiting to collect your child then please do switch off your engine.
