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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together

Courageous Advocacy

Courageous Advocacy

As part of the excellent Christian and multi faith education we offer our pupils at Mellor St Mary’s, we aim to give our pupils the opportunity to engage in social action and help them to understand how they can challenge injustice. This is called ‘courageous advocacy’. 

When we use the term ‘courageous advocacy’ we are referring to the act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice is not heard. Speaking out, at whatever level this takes place, requires an element (and sometimes a great deal) of courage! 


To help us do this, children are encouraged to take part in an active culture of justice and responsibility e.g. encouraging our children to consider the climate crisis debate by thinking about what they can do to protect our natural environment e.g. saving electricity, recycling, donating to the landfill trust charity or adopting an endangered animal as a class pet. Our pupils consider the threats to the environment and the action they could take to make a difference.

One of our pupils started a clean air campaign around school, which was so successful his poster became the clean air banner for Lancashire County Council.                                                        


Our children also consider the injustices served to people of different colour, race, religion or ability. As part of our whole curriculum, children are asked to consider what has gone on in the past and to consider should this continue today. e.g. Year 6 considering different crime and punishment methods whilst all children from KS1 to KS2 learn about the impact of the transatlantic slave trade on people and our local area. This helps children to learn from the past so that they can create a better world for future generations. 
