History Curriculum Statement
Our history curriculum has been designed to ensure children explore the past, whilst also learning from it, so that they are better equipped at dealing with their future. They gain an understanding of what it means to be British, learn about Britain’s past and how it has changed over time. They also develop knowledge about global civilizations, cultures and events.
Put simply, History is our past and our future, we all need historical knowledge so we can inform our actions and face consequences in the future.
In school, we focus not only on key historical knowledge, but also how children perceive the events that led up to the modern day. We equip them with the confidence to ask perceptive questions, think critically, find evidence, identify arguments and develop good judgement. Through a stimulating curriculum, children explore historical inventors, authors, politicians, scientists, artists and local/national heroes and recognise that these people are like them.
Put simply, learning about real life role models from history allows children's dreams and ambitions to grow through their inspiring life stories.
Exploring different time periods, and developing subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, allows children to become inquisitive about exploring the past of our local area, the country and the world.
Put simply, children learn to see the importance of these events and how they have shaped the world we live in today.
Acquiring historical knowledge helps our children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups. We aim to excite the children to develop an understanding of their own place in history and their past. Learning experiences are through individual and collaborative work using a creative and hands on approach to develop a knowledge of chronology within which children and young people can organise their understanding of the past.
Put simply, children develop the necessary skills to think about and question why events happen so they are better prepared for their futures.
We are a Christian school and use our Christian virtues to ask questions to expand our learning about our faith and its part in our history, to help promote our understanding of Christianity and also appreciate the rich diversity of our cultural and historical heritage.
The impact of our history curriculum is that our children are not only equipped with historical knowledge, but also a transferable set of life skills which help them build up resilience when searching for an answer, develop reflective practises when thinking about events and become more confident, creative and critical thinkers.