'For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible' (Luke 1:37) BELIEVING, LEARNING AND SHARING TOGETHER: The September Newsletter is now ready to view in the Newsletter section along with Septembers Online Safety Newsletter. We will be holding our OPEN WEEK from Monday 14th October to Thursday 17th October each afternoon. Please can you help us spread the word amongst your friends and families for anyone looking for an EYFS place September 2025.
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Mellor St Mary CE Primary School

Learning Together





  • what they like/dislike and are good at
  • what makes them special and how everyone has different strengths
  • how their personal features or qualities are unique to them
  • how they are similar or different to others and what they have in common
  • to use the correct names for the main parts of the body, including external genitalia, and that parts of bodies covered with underwear are private


  • that family is one of the groups they belong to, as well as, for example, school, friends, clubs


  • about the  different people in their family/those that love and care for them


  • what their family members, or people that are special to them, do to make them feel loved and cared for


  • how families are all different but share common features – what is the same and different about them


  • about different features of family life, including what families do/enjoy together


  • that it is important to tell someone (such as their teacher) if something about their family makes them feel unhappy or worried


  • how to make friends with others
  • how to recognise when they feel lonely and what they could do about it
  • how people behave when they are being friendly and what makes a good friend
  • how to resolve arguments that can occur in friendships
  • how to ask for help if a friendship is making them unhappy


  • how words and actions can affect how people feel


  • how to ask for and give/not give permission regarding physical contact and how to respond if physical contact makes them uncomfortable or unsafe


  • why name-calling, hurtful teasing, bullying and deliberately excluding others is unacceptable


  • how to respond if this happens in different situations


  • how to report bullying or other behaviour, including online, to a trusted adult and the importance of doing so

Health and Well-being



  • what being healthy means and who helps them to stay healthy (e.g. parent, dentist, doctor)
  • that items people put into or onto their bodies can affect how they feel
  • how medicines (including vaccinations and immunisations) can help people stay healthy and that some people need to take medicines every day to stay healthy
  • why hygiene is important and how simple hygiene routines can stop germs from being passed on
  • what they can do to take care of themselves on a daily basis e.g. brushing teeth and hair, hand washing


  • that people have different roles in the community to help them ( and others) keep safe – the jobs they do and how they help people


  • who can help them in different places and situations; how to attract someone’s attention or ask for help; what to say


  • how to respond safely to adults they don’t know


  • what to do if they feel unsafe or worried for themselves or others; the importance of keeping on asking for support until they are heard
  • how rules and restrictions help them to keep safe (e.g. basic road, fire, cycle, water safety; in relation to medicines/househo-ld products and online)
  • how to identify risky and potentially unsafe situations (in familiar and unfamiliar environments, including online) and take steps to avoid or remove themselves from them
  • how to resist pressure to do something that makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable, including keeping secrets
  • how not everything they see online is true or trustworthy and that people can pretend to be someone they are not
  • how to tell a trusted adult if they are worried for themselves or others, worried that something is unsafe or if they come across something that scares or concerns them


  • that different things help their bodies to be healthy, including food and drink, physical activity, sleep and rest


  • that eating and drinking too much sugar can affect their health, including dental health


  • how to be physically active and how much rest and sleep they should have every day


  • that there are different ways to learn and play; how to know when to take a break from screen-time


  • how sunshine helps bodies to grow and how to keep safe and well in the sun


  • how to recognise, name and describe a range of feelings


  • what helps them to feel good, or better if not feeling good


  • how different things/times/experiences can bring about different feelings for different people (including loss, change and bereavement or moving on to a new class/year group)


  • how feelings can affect people in their bodies and their behaviour


  • ways to manage big feelings and the importance of sharing their feelings with someone they trust


  • how to recognise when they might need help with feelings and how to ask for help when they need it

Living in the Wider World



  • what money is – that money comes in different forms
  • how money is obtained (e.g. earned, won, borrowed, presents)
  • how people make choices about what to do with money, including spending and saving
  • the difference between needs and wants – that people may not always be able to have the things they want
  • how to keep money safe and the different ways of doing this


  • how kind and unkind behaviour can affect others; how to be polite and courteous; how to play and work co-operatively


  • the responsibilities they have in and out of the classroom


  • how people and animals need to be looked after and cared for


  • what can harm the local and global environment; how they and others can help care for it


  • how people grow and change and how people’s needs change as they grow from young to old


  • how to manage change when moving to a new class/year group
  • how jobs help people earn money to pay for things they need and want
  • about a range of different jobs, including those done by people they know or people who work in their community
  • how people have different strengths and interests that enable them to do different jobs
  • how people use the internet and digital devices in their jobs and everyday life

Broader P.S.H.E. Curriculum.

Our Year 1 and Year 2 children are taught P.S.H.E. in timetabled sessions, following the P.S.H.E. Association's organisation of the curriculum into the three areas of Relationships, Health and Well-being and Living in the Wider World.

Please see below for the progression in the children's learning over Key Stage 1:

Our curriculum is built around the P.S.H.E. Association content, under the categories of Relationships, Health and Well-being and Living in the Wider World.


Year 1 and Year 2 children experience weekly time-tabled lessons covering the statutory  Relationships content and the non-statutory content, such as how to care for out teeth, in order to meet their needs as young children in our vibrant and dynamic society. 

Right Start 

During the Autumn term, EYFS, Year 1 and Year two pupils take part in RIGHT START road Safety training. This is taught through use of pictorial aids, discussions and practical activities at the roadside, under the supervision of approved trainers.  There are three right start sessions for each year group which cover how to stay safe outside focusing on : ‘Look’, ‘Listen’ and ‘Safer Places’. 



• Pupils learn the importance of making themselves highly visible when out near roads and how they can do this by wearing something bright, flourescent or reflective.

• Pupils learn to observe and understand vehicle signals, such as orange indicator lights, white reverse lights, red brake lights, and the related vehicle manoeuvres.



• Pupils reinforce how important it is to listen carefully before crossing the road.

• Pupils learn that vehicle sounds vary and that we may not always identify the type of vehicle correctly from what we hear.


Safer Places

• Pupils learn the importance of, whenever possible, crossing away from parked cars.

• Pupils discuss the range of safer places available for use when crossing roads, such as: pelican crossings, puffin crossings, zebra crossings, traffic islands, footbridges and subways.


Throughout these lessons, it is reinforced that young children should always be accompanied by an adult when near roads.


Fire Safety
Fire officers from The Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service come into school to discuss the importance of fire safety in the home.
Pupils listen to the fire officers, watch a DVD and take part in role play activities to help them to learn the following points:


  • Every home should have a smoke alarm fitted with a working battery.
  • Every home should have a fire plan, which each household member knows about and has practised.
  • Pupils should know their address and any nearby landmarks to give as information if they ever have to phone 999.
  • If pupils discover a fire, they should shout to raise the alarm, get all the family together and, if possible, get out of the house by crawling along the floor, if necessary, to avoid any smoke.
  • Throughout the house, doors should be closed at night to stop any fire and smoke from spreading quickly.
  • If thinking about opening a door in a house with a fire, firstly listen for fire and then check if the fire is on the other side by feeling the door and the door handle for heat with the back of your hand.
  • If people are trapped upstairs by a fire, they should get together in one room, close the door, block out any smoke and open the windows.  If there is a telephone in the room, they should phone 999, or if not they should shout to raise the alarm. If possible they should wait in the room for the fire brigade.  Only as a last resort, should they jump out of the window onto a soft landing. 
  • Once out of the house, stay out and certainly do not go back in to save any pets or possessions.

If any parents do not have a working smoke alarm in their home, they can contact The Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, who will fit a smoke alarm for them for free.
